Amoud University School of Postgraduate Studies and Research (AUSPGSR), Hargeisa Campus, Tuition and Administration building Block, downtown Hargeisa, Saturday, January 24th, 2020

Master of Project Planning and Management

21 January 2019
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Courses are designated as Core [C], Specializing Tract (ST). Core courses are offered to all students while ‘ST’ courses are only offered to students in the Specializing Tract. The courses that shall be covered in the Master of Project Planning and Management each year by semesters, and their credit weights are summarized below.

YR SEM Course Code Course Title LH PH CH CU
1 I PPM 8111 Fundamentals of project planning and management. 45 0 45 3
PPM 8112 Project cycle and stakeholders management. 45 0 45 3
PPM 8113 Scholarly skills and academic writing. 15 120 125 3
PPM 8114 Research methods for project planning and management. 45 0 45 3
PPM 8115 Methods and techniques of project planning. 45 0 45 3
II PPM 8121 Information systems management in project planning and management. 45 0 45 3
PPM 8122 Project analysis and selection. 45 0 45 3
PPM 8123 project financing, contracting and procurement in project management 45 0 45 3
PPM 8124 Data analysis methods in project planning and management. 45 0 45 3
PPM 8125 Strategic management. 45 0 45 3
III PPM 8131 Internship/practicum. 8 96 104 4
2   I PPM 8211 Conflict analysis and resolution in project planning and management. 45 0 45 3
PPM 8212 Project risk assessment and management. 45 0 45 3
PPM 8214 Project implementation and control. 45 0 45 3
  II PPM 8221 Project monitoring and evaluation 45 0 45 3
PPM 8222 Student’s thesis. 15 300 315 6



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