The Oral Defense

13 December 2018 Author :  

As soon as the external examiners report and at least one internal examiner’s report are received, the Dean of SPG&S shall, in consultation with the Dean of the Faculty concerned, convene a meeting of the Board Examiners at which the examiners’ reports and other academic matters arising from the thesis shall be considered.

Such a date shall normally be within one (1) month of the date of receipt of the last report. A consolidated report and appropriate recommendations shall be prepared for submission to Senate through the Board of SPG&S within two (2) weeks. Provisional results shall be released to the candidate after the meeting only where the recommendation of the Board of examiners is unanimous. The External Examiner shall normally not be required to attend the Oral Defense unless he or she has failed the candidate.
2. The Oral Defense shall be open to the public. Examiners will be given opportunity to ask all their questions first before the public does. The public will be allowed to ask questions but these shall normally not contribute to assessment of the candidate.
3. The duration of the Oral Defense for Masters Candidates shall normally be a maximum of one (1) hour, consisting of 20 minutes of the candidate’s presentation followed by questions and answers session. For Doctoral candidates, the duration shall normally be a maximum of two (2) hours, consisting of 30 minutes of the candidate’s presentation, followed by a questions and answers session.
4. After the completion of the Oral Defense, the Board of Examiners shall decide whether:
i. The candidate defended the thesis adequately and whether the candidate should be declared pass outright, and recommending the award of the degree subject to the candidate fulfilling other University requirements in respect of the degree programme.
ii. The thesis needs minor revision and/or corrections over and above the recommendations contained in the
School of Postgraduate Studies & Research - Rules and Regulations, 2013
Examiners’ Reports and recommending submission of the final revised thesis within one month, duly certified by the Supervisors.
iii. The thesis needs major revision and corrections, and recommending resubmission of the thesis within three months for assessment by one of the Internal Examiners. Should the candidate still fail at this stage, the candidate must submit a revised thesis within six (6) months for fresh assessment by all the three Examiners and appear for a second defense thereafter.
iv. The thesis needs a thorough overhaul, including collection of more data and/or change of methodology, and recommending re-submission within nine months for fresh assessment by all the three Examiners and a second defense thereafter.
v. The thesis is unacceptable for the award of the degree, and declaring the candidate having failed outright.
5. As long as less than 50% of the members of the Board of Examiners dissent, the decision of the rest of the members shall prevail.
6. A candidate must satisfy the Board of Examiners in both the Oral Defense and the written thesis to be declared pass overall.
7. Where the recommendation of the Board of Examiners is unanimous for or against the award of the degree and where such unanimous recommendation is consistent in all respects with the reports of the examiners, and the results of an oral examination, the Dean of SPG&S shall forward such recommendation to the President for approval on behalf of the Senate.
8. Where the recommendation of the Board of Examiners is not unanimous, or the recommendation is not consistent in material respects with the matters referred to in regulation
10.3.2 (4), it shall be referred to the full Board of SPG&S for an appropriate recommendation to Senate.
9. An examiner that awarded a pass grade for a thesis that is not successfully defended shall be replaced before re-examination of the thesis.
10. A thesis cannot be defended more than two (2) times.
11. A thesis accepted by the University and subsequently published in part or in whole and in whatever form, shall bear the inscription, “in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters/Doctorate” of Amoud University.

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