2. A honorarium shall be paid to the supervisors subject to the student making all corrections and amendments suggested during the oral defense.
3. In case of 10.3.2 (4 [iii]), the proposed Internal Examiner will sign the certificate of correction.
4. Hard covered bound copies of the thesis shall be lettered in gold. The spine shall contain the following information: name of candidate at the extreme left (e.g. Fadumo, X. A.), title of the programme (e.g. MEd) at the centre, and the year of final submission (e.g. 2012) at the extreme right.2
2 Further details are contained in the research manual.
School of Postgraduate Studies & Research - Rules and Regulations, 2013
5. The final thesis should be bound in boards with black buckram.
6. Five (5) copies of the hardbound thesis shall be submitted to the Dean of SPG&S together with a certificate of clearance. One (1) copy each shall be given to the Supervisor(s). One (1) copy of the thesis shall be deposited in the University Library and one copy in the SPG&S Library, and one (1) copy to the student. If plates are included in a thesis, original photographs, and not photocopies, shall be used in all the copies of thesis submitted.
7. The candidate shall also submit a soft copy of the final thesis to the SPG&S.
8. Distribution of the final hard copies of thesis shall be done by the SPG&S.
Final Submission of Thesis
1. Once a candidate has revised the thesis according to the recommendations of the Board of Examiners, the main Supervisors shall check the thesis and then write to the Dean of SPG&S, certifying that all corrections and amendments suggested by the Examiners have indeed been incorporated. This communication shall be copied to the respective Dean of Faculty/School.
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